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pub:gtfmas2016 [2016/06/06 09:35] basilico |
pub:gtfmas2016 [2021/05/26 06:27] (current) basilico |
- Nash and Maxmin, maxmin/minmax formulation and relations between the two; computing solution concepts: LP, linear complementarity (Lemke-Howson), Support Enumeration (Porter, Nudelman, Shoam), MIP-Nash (Sandholm, Gilpin, Conitzer) (May 24th, 2016); | - Nash and Maxmin, maxmin/minmax formulation and relations between the two; computing solution concepts: LP, linear complementarity (Lemke-Howson), Support Enumeration (Porter, Nudelman, Shoam), MIP-Nash (Sandholm, Gilpin, Conitzer) (May 24th, 2016); |
- Correlated equilibrium, Leader-Follower equilibrium, applications: security games, software protection (May 25th, 2016). | - Correlated equilibrium, Leader-Follower equilibrium, applications: security games, software protection (May 25th, 2016). |
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=== Course notes and slides === | |
//**Disclaimer**: these notes are far from being rigourously taken, that means they can contain typos, errors and other kinds of unwanted stuff one tipycally removes/refines before publication; just use it as a guide for the topics presented in the course. For a more complete and well exposed picture, please consider// [[|this book]] //from where these notes are mostly coming. // | |
- Intro: {{:pub:01-intro.pdf|pdf}} | |
- Agents: {{:pub:02-agents.pdf|pdf}} | |
- Games: {{:pub:03-games.pdf|pdf}} | |
- Concepts (1): {{:pub:04-concepts_1.pdf|pdf}} | |
- Concepts (2): {{:pub:05-concepts_2.pdf|pdf}} | |
- Applications: {{:pub:06-applications.pdf|pdf}} | |
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=== Assignment === | === Assignment === |