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pub:gtfmas2016 [2016/06/06 09:24]
pub:gtfmas2016 [2021/05/26 06:27] (current)
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 === Announcements === === Announcements ===
 +  * For non-UNIMI students: when certifying the exam I can recognize additional hours for the final project if required by your PhD School's regulations  --- //NB 2016/06/06 11:24//
 +  * Course notes and other material presented in class have been completely uploaded  --- //NB 2016/06/06 11:24//
   * The calendar has been updated: the class of May 10th is postponed to May 25th  --- //NB 2016/05/08 13:14//   * The calendar has been updated: the class of May 10th is postponed to May 25th  --- //NB 2016/05/08 13:14//
   * A [[http://doodle.com/poll/mpgmvnwfa97myv3z|doodle]] has been set up for rescheduling May 10th lecture  --- //NB 2016/05/05 11:42//   * A [[http://doodle.com/poll/mpgmvnwfa97myv3z|doodle]] has been set up for rescheduling May 10th lecture  --- //NB 2016/05/05 11:42//
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 === Syllabus === === Syllabus ===
   - Introduction to Algorithmic Game Theory, self-interested agents, von Neumann-Morgenstern preferences and utilities, definition and examples of strategic form games, strategy profiles and expected utility (April 19th, 2016);   - Introduction to Algorithmic Game Theory, self-interested agents, von Neumann-Morgenstern preferences and utilities, definition and examples of strategic form games, strategy profiles and expected utility (April 19th, 2016);
-  - Strategy profiles, strictly competitive games, solution concepts, Pareto efficiency, strict, weak and very weak dominance, dominant strategies, iterated removal of dominated actions (April 22th, 2016);+  - Strategy profiles, strictly competitive games, solution concepts, Pareto efficiency, strict, weak and very weak dominance, dominant strategies, iterated removal of dominated actions (April 26th, 2016);
   - Algorithms for dominance, Nash, Maxmin/Minmax strategies (May 3th, 2016);   - Algorithms for dominance, Nash, Maxmin/Minmax strategies (May 3th, 2016);
-  - Nash and Maxmin, maxmin/minmax formulation, Lemke-Howson, support enumeration, MIP Nash (May 24th, 2016); +  - Nash and Maxmin, maxmin/minmax formulation and relations between the two; computing solution concepts: LPlinear complementarity (Lemke-Howson)Support Enumeration (Porter, Nudelman, Shoam), MIP-Nash (Sandholm, Gilpin, Conitzer) (May 24th, 2016); 
-  - Correlated equilibrium, Leader-Follower equilibrium, applications: security games and others (May 25th, 2016). +  - Correlated equilibrium, Leader-Follower equilibrium, applications: security games, software protection (May 25th, 2016).
- +
-=== Course notes === +
-//**Disclaimer**: these notes are far from being rigourously taken, that means they can contain typos, errors and other kinds of unwanted stuff one tipycally removes/refines before publication; just use it as a guide for the topics presented in the course. For a more complete and well exposed picture, please consider// [[http://www.masfoundations.org/|this book]] //from where these notes are mostly coming. // +
-  - Intro: {{:pub:01-intro.pdf|pdf}} +
-  - Agents: {{:pub:02-agents.pdf|pdf}} +
-  - Games: {{:pub:03-games.pdf|pdf}} +
-  - Concepts (1): {{:pub:04-concepts_1.pdf|pdf}} +
-  - Concepts (2): {{:pub:05-concepts_2.pdf|pdf}} +
-  - Applications: {{:pub:06-applications.pdf|pdf}}+
 === Assignment === === Assignment ===