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pub:aies-2018 [2018/07/02 11:58]
basilico created
pub:aies-2018 [2019/10/14 06:54] (current)
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-~~Title: AIES-2018~+~~Title: AIES-2018~~
 ==== Elements of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems ==== ==== Elements of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems ====
-//(II Level Master in Data Science for Economics, Business, and Finance, University of Milan, 2018)//+//(2nd Level Master in Data Science for Economics, Business, and Finance, University of Milan, 2018)//
 //Lecturer: Dr. Nicola Basilico// //Lecturer: Dr. Nicola Basilico//
 +<color green> **The course is terminated, please contact the lecturer for additional information or material.**</color>
 +This short course provides a 10-hours introduction to some basic AI techniques: search, MDPs, and games. The course has been held in cooperation with the Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods of the University of Milan.
 +=== Lectures ===
 +  * A general introduction to AI (May 17th 2018, 2 hours)
 +  * Introduction to problem modeling and basic search techniques (June 7th 2018, 4 hours)
 +  * Sequential decisions under uncertainty: an overview of MDPs (June 9th 2018, 2 hours)
 +  * Search with adversaries, minimax, alpha-beta pruning (June 30th 2018, 2 hours)